Lip Lift

Lip lift surgery; It is performed in order to lift and clarify the lip, especially in patients where the upper lip is very thin, the red part is not clear, and the lip arc is very unclear when viewed from the opposite side.

Lip lift can also be performed on patients whose lips are of normal size but who want it to look more lifted.

Op. Dr. İbrahim HIRA - Dudak Kaldırma

Facial sagging occurs over time and with aging. In these patients, the lip length becomes longer and the lip becomes thinner. In these cases, lip lift surgery can be performed to make the patient look younger.

Lip lift surgery can be easily performed under local anesthesia, but general anesthesia can also be used if desired.

Lip lift surgery is an operation that takes about 45 minutes on average. The person continues his/her normal activities. There will be swelling in the lip area that lasts for 3 days, this swelling will gradually decrease after that and will be resolved up to 1 week.

The stitches will heal and be removed in an average of 5-7 days. During this process, numbness of the lips, decreased mobility, tension may be felt while laughing. However, the drugs to be used will help the person to go through this process more comfortably. Again, applying ice on the day of surgery will reduce swelling to a certain extent. After lip lift surgery, there are small bands on the suture line, these bands are changed according to the contamination situation.

Lip Lift Ameliyatı Sonrasında İz Kalır mı?

Burun tabanıyla dudak bileşkesi hizasında ince bir iz kalacaktır. Bu iz erken dönemde daha taze ve kızarık, uzun dönemde ise belli belirsiz bir iz gibi olacaktır. Ancak o bölgede hayat boyu kalacak bir iz olduğunu unutmamak gerekir. Yaşlı, açık tenli kişilerde yara iyileşmesi daha iyi olacağından iz neredeyse hiç belli olmayacaktır. Deriden kabarık iyileşmeye meyilli, keloide yatkın hastalarda ise bu ameliyat yapılmamalıdır.




Op. Dr. İbrahim HİRA - Kulak Burun Boğaz 

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