Chin Aesthetics

Those with a back chin, a large nose, a fleshy neck, and a square-shaped chin are suitable candidates. The implants to be applied can be of many types. The aim

Ear Aesthetics (Otoplasty)

These are surgeries performed in cases of dissatisfaction with the shape and size of the ear and serious asymmetries between the two ears. The “pronounced ear”, as it is best


The nasal septum is the wall that divides the nasal cavity into two, consisting of cartilage and bone, and ensures smooth airflow. It may not always be properly in the

Nose Tip Aesthetics

The tip of the nose (tip) region is the most important part of the nose consisting of only cartilage without bones. It is the procedure applied for patients who are

Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

The cavities in the skull bones, which are continuous with the nose as a whole, are called sinuses. Sinuses, whose main functions are to reduce the weight of the head

Concha Surgery

Structures called turbinates are organs that play an active role in the regulation of respiratory function by heating and humidifying the air we breathe through the nose. The most common

Botulinum Toxin

Botox is a substance that originates from a bacterium called Clostridum Botulium. Giving a small number of correct distributions allows time to open the eyes, especially towards the opening, and

Filling Applications

As the skin ages, it forms the main structure; decrease in the amount of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. For this reason, the most preferred fillers are hyaluronic acid-containing fillers.


What is Tonsil Surgery? Tonsil surgery or medically called tonsillectomy is the surgical removal of the tonsils. Inflammation of the tonsils is called tonsillitis. The tonsils are the two oval-shaped

Botulinum Toksin

Botoks, Clostiridum Botulium adı verilen bakteriden oluşturulan bir maddedir. Az miktarlarda doğru yerlere verildiği zaman, özellikle gözlerin çevreye doğru açılmasını ve daha parlak bir bakışa sahip olmayı sağlar.  Dünyada en


Op. Dr. İbrahim HİRA - Kulak Burun Boğaz 

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